Candy Messer is the proud owner and proprietor of Affordable Bookkeeping and Payroll (on the Web at and On top of that, she’s a Superwoman we’re quite proud to know!
We all know every mother juggles a lot, but Candy is extra special. She home-schools her two beautiful children along with her incredibly supportive husband, and she manages her own successful small business bookkeeping and payroll business.
Candy has a happy family life build on a very strong Faith, and Candy loves to do God’s work with her continually growing office in Harbor City, California. Over the years, we’ve watched Candy slowly and carefully grow her team beyond herself so that her business can handle the load that honest, fair hard work always brings.
So this tax season, Web Site Maintenance & Design is celebrating the success of Candy Messer, our local Superwoman and a mother and small business-person we’re proud to work with. Keep on keepin’ on, Candy!