D&G Paving, the finest Asphalt and Concrete Paving Company in Southern California goes live with DandGPaving.com! D & G Paving has been doing excellent work out of their workplace in Torrance, CA for over 20 years, and after recent expansion, are looking to maximize their capabilities by dominating the Internet.
This project is of particular significance to WSmad because, as so many of our clients have struggled in the past to get a Web Site live, D&G had a web site for a couple of years that never got finished by it’s previous designer. WSmad is capable of providing that extra service that it takes to make sure our partners are happy with what we do and ensuring that we produce ROI for them; not many can do this the way we do it, and certainly not as consistently. That’s just the kind of service that D&G provides for it’s clients, so our companies really fit well together!
Congratulations Dan and Keith and the whole D&G Team on your beautiful new Web SIte – certainly an industry leader, just as you are!
Check out DandGPaving.com and get a quote on your asphalt or concrete paving project in two hours, guaranteed!