“Life every man holds dear;
– William Shakespeare
but the dear man
Holds honor far more precious-dear
than life.”
Going back thousands of years, it is almost an axiom of writing that the honorable hold honor more precious than life itself.
We at Interfanatic do not disagree. We love to work with people who do as they say they shall. Therefore, we model that behavior in all we do.
Honor: More Precious-Dear than Life
A great way to earn trust is to do what you say you will. The best way to lose trust is to not.
When people choose to work with Interfanatic, they do so because they want to take some burden away from themselves and let us take it on. We want our customers to know: we got you.
Ensuring Honor
Jeff Levine of Ace Small Claims Service ensures that businesses and individuals do as they say they will. Of course, the best way to do this is to model that behavior. Which is why we trust and enjoy working with Ace Small Claims Service. We did not create his website for him, but we aid him in understanding his site’s performance. We choose our customers carefully so that we don’t need to worry – but when things go wrong (and they do) it’s nice to know we have Jeff to trust.
Levine was curious how his website performed in Search. So we did an Interfanatic Basic Local SEO Check-up for him and he learned a lot. We also helped him understand what he needed to do to improve his site’s performance – how to make it work better for him.
And, if a customer ever decides to stiff us (it happens, but rarely), we can rely on Jeff Levine’s honor through Ace Small Claims Service to get things straightened out.