You’ve got to be there. To finish first, you must first finish. You miss 100% off the shots you don’t take. Et cetera… You’ve heard the platitudes. They say the same thing:
You’ve got to be there.
Perhaps that’s why social media has become such an important part of digital marketing: our customers are there. So we have to be. Presence of mind.
Presence. You’ve got to be there.
Better World International understands.
Earlier this year, Interfanatic began working with BWI and their product: The Good Cards. We’ve set up and managed a couple of Google Ads campaigns, consulted on print graphic design, and produced and begun optimizing landing pages for them.
We’re excited about working with Better World International because their product, The Good Cards, is so simple, it’s fantastic. You sign up for a few bucks and you get a physical card in the mail. You download their app and you get missions attached to a QR code on the card. You perform simple, good deeds of kindness for yourself and others, making the world a little bit better one person at a time. Then you pass on the card, and you can track your card around the world, watching your good deed blossom and spread.
It’s beautiful.
Part of its beauty is its simplicity. It’s an easy thing to do. It costs almost nothing – just enough to cover production and mailing. But a kind deed goes a long way, and many kind deeds bring people together, healing the division and hatred we see in the world.
And it works. Corporations are jumping on board, schools are adopting The Good Class as a social emotional learning tool for kids, and normal people are affected by The Good Cards every day.
We’re really proud and excited to be a part of spreading good around the world. If we can turn one bullying incident from progressing to a school shooting into a good deed that spreads kindness like wildfire through the halls of a classroom, it’s worth trying. If we can turn one person’s jealousy and anger into a passing kindness, like a hug of support, and turn a dour nine-to-fiver with no reason to go on into a productive, happy person, we’re in.
And it’s working, so it’s worth doing.
Join us. Check out The Good Cards. If you’re in school, check out The Good Class. If you’re a corporation looking at corporate mental wellness initiatives, pick up some Good Cards for your employees.
It works. Because Better World International is there.
Presence. When you’re ready to do a little bit of good, The Good Cards are ready to enable you.