I met Carroll a long, long time ago.
Carroll started his adventure with risk. And he never looked back.
He was a good man. We lost him some years ago now.
Carroll decided to go racing in Italy. It was a risky endeavor. It paid off. He wrote what are largely considered the Bibles of motorsports engineering. Drive to Win, Engineer to Win, Prepare to Win, Tune to Win. All were (and many remain) required reading for all engineering students interested in automotive engineering and race car preparation.
But it all started with that first step. His long and illustrious motorsports career, including working with Carroll Shelby to bring home the wins for Ford at Le Mans, all started by leaving the shores he knew so well.
I’ll never forget when Carroll asked me to make a website for him. It was a shocking honor. And all these years later, it still is.
Though the Smith family has shifted its focus to the ease of working with Amazon, they still manually ship out the orders that come through the site I made for Carroll in 1999, www.CarrollSmith.com
Be like Carroll: take that risk! You might be shocked at what you can achieve if you’re willing to ditch the sure-thing boat to be your best you.