Coach Chris Bouch is an asset to the community of Redondo Beach. He is first, a family man with a beautiful family, but also a Coach and Teacher professionally at Redondo Union High School, and a Coach and Business man to many people in his community personally and professionally.
WSmad is really careful about who we choose to work with because we establish relationships in a way that will last for many years. Coach Chris Bouch is a person we’re very proud to be working with as he explores the opportunities life has given him. As an avid sportsman and leader, Chris Bouch has been helping the youth of his Community for years through his position at RUHS, and now he’s taking that responsibility to a different level by helping people connect with their bodies on a whole new level nutritionally, as well as with a solid exercise regimen.
Talk to Chris Bouch about making your life healthier and wealthier today!