Our friends Chris and Suzy are at it again!
After the immense success of Fowler & Moore’s last in-store event where Chris and Suzy suggested Christmas decoration tips, they’re at it again with a limited space, invitation only event on Tuesday, April 12th.
Although we’re not allowed to disclose details, we can tell you that if you’re in Redondo Beach and you want some ideas for sprucing up your home and bringing it up to date, it’s probably a good idea to figure out how to be there!
To get an invite, go to Fowler & Moore at Home on Catalina in Riviera Village and tell them you’re interested. Of course, you can also go to www.FowlerAndMoore.com and at the “Store” page, you can sign up to get their e-mails and if you do it before Friday, you’ll be sure to get their next (and last) e-mail invitation.
We’ll be there! You should, too!