It’s summer and it’s prime vacation time. That means great weather, more time with the kids, and longer days. It also can mean tourists everywhere you go, and higher prices.
However, escaping to San Felipe, Mexico in Baja, California is kryptonite for the normal vacation blues. You can go off-season to get the same great weather, It’s stunningly inexpensive, and there are significantly fewer tourists in all of Baja Mexico (much less your own little practically private resort) than there are in line for Space Mountain.
That’s not to say you HAVE to sit around on the beach all day. There is a quiet but thriving community of like-minded, relaxed people enough to support any number of vacation-like activities.
So if you’re trying to plan a vacation for this summer but you’re looking for a real escape, escape from the tourists, the grind, and from high prices, Tell Karen WSmad sent you!