We’ve put together a few helpful links as you make design decisions.
Design Inspiration:
https://www.awwwards.com/ https://wordpress.org/showcase/
One of the best ways to help us understand the design that you want is to show us elements that you like. We’re professionals. We’ve done this before. We produce what you want.
But, to be efficient, we need to understand your tastes, your loves and your hates, so we can produce something beautiful, harmonious, and effective, while staying on budget.
Think about the following aspects. You don’t have to become an expert – we are that. Just give us an idea of what you want in your design as it relates to:
layout – colors – navigation – content – typefaces – imagery – effects
What works for you, and what doesn’t?
HTML Colors: https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp
You can choose any colors that you want – they don’t have to be from here. But here’s a starting place.
Web Safe Fonts: https://websitesetup.org/web-safe-fonts-html-css/
You certainly do not have to use “web safe” fonts. But if you have an idea of what you like, this may be a good starting place to begin the conversation. Also, these fonts are almost guaranteed to work everywhere your customers will be looking. At the very least, these will be the back-ups for the primary fonts you choose.