
Loyalty: Coach Chris Bouch – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight

There is no negro problem. The problem is whether the American people have the loyalty enough, honor enough, patriotism enough, to live up to their own Constitution.

Frederick Douglass

Are we American enough? Are we loyal enough? When will we finally, collectively be able to admit that as Thomas Jefferson wrote and we now translate, “All people are created equal?”

When Jefferson outlawed slave trade after the War of 1812, I’m sure he thought inter-US slave trade would follow right behind, within perhaps a decade or two. It didn’t happen. It took a War. And Big Tobacco and Big Cotton got their claws into the South, and even Reconstruction after a giant, bloody war, was not enough. Even the protests of the ’60s were not enough. Here we are again, not learning from the history we choose to repeat. In 2020.

IN 2020! We were supposed to colonize the Moon and Mars and have automatic flying cars in 2020. Instead, we regress.

All because we don’t share the same view of loyalty to the Constitution. All because we refuse the innate belief that all people are created equal. We’re not loyal enough to the American Dream to share it with everyone.

Our leadership isn’t helping. By creating enemies of good, honest people, by invoking hate, he brings together a portion of the country we don’t want to see. A portion of the country we wish didn’t exist. I’m not talking about Blacks or Browns or Immigrants.

I’m talking about the racists. The insecure. Those so threatened they can’t share the American Dream with others.

Life is a struggle. Business is a struggle. COVID-19 is a struggle. The last thing we need is to blame that struggle on other good people because they’re 0.01% different than we are. We need to be in this together, to share our strengths and push forward.

Do we have the loyalty enough to everyone in this country?

Loyalty: An Interfanatic Quality

Loyalty is such a beautiful thing. I’m reminded of it this week, when a customer we used to work with came back to us for more help. They know we’re the best. That’s loyalty.

And we’re loyal to our customers. The good people we work with deserve more business, so we help them get more every way we can. It’s such a beautiful thing to feel somebody in your corner. When life keeps kicking you, it’s such a beautiful thing to know good people have your back.

So we give our backs.

Coach Chris Bouch – Inspiring Loyalty

Coach Chris came to us about 10 years ago. He wanted to promote his brand. His way of doing that was being good to the people around him. He works hard for the good people he surrounds himself with, and he’s loyal to them.

And they naturally return that loyalty. So when Coach Chris began selling supplements as a side gig, his loyal friends followed. They listened, because he led from the front. He tested what he sold, he studied the ingredients to make sure everything was the best it could be.

Coach Chris knows his stuff. He demonstrates that thoroughly, over and over through the years. He’s had the backs of youngsters trying to hone their athletic craft, and they continue to return that loyalty.

“They listened, because he led from the front.”

Coach Chris didn’t want to invest a lot of money, he just wanted a way for people to find him. So he created Healthy Habits 4 All, and we were the lucky ones who got to help him with it.

We’ve got his back, and we know he’s got ours.

The Loyalty in Returning: Interfanatic Complete Suite Services Packages

Whether you’re starting from scratch or reinventing your brand, it’s nice to know one group can do it all for you.

The fear I have in trying to explain this to people is that they’ll hear, “jack of all trades, master of none.” But that’s not how this works. We’ve mastered all of our trades and we keep getting more proficient at them as they change through time.

There’s a lot to know – but that’s the beauty of our modular business model. We work with the best so you don’t have to go anywhere else.

Do you know how hard it is to find a competent web developer who will be around in 2 years? No, really – do you? It’s almost impossible. How about 10? We’re still here.

But that’s what we’re here for. To create a path for the long run. We craft a plan and adjust course as the winds change. We’re here to give you consistent results for the long haul.

Our Complete Suites tackle everything. There are a number of weapons in our arsenal, and we bring to bear those that work best for you.

Interfanatic and Loyalty

We love having customers for decades. It’s something we work hard for, and a primary ingredient is two-way loyalty. We give loyalty to good people who deserve it.

Just like our country should. We need to have all Americans’ backs.

This week’s image:
Interfanatic‘s founder, Ryan Delane, takes or creates every image you see in our social feed.

Loyalty, an Interfanatic Quality. Interfanatic Digital Marketing founder Ryan Delane takes or creates every image you see in our social feed.
Loyalty, an Interfanatic Quality. Interfanatic Digital Marketing founder Ryan Delane takes or creates every image you see in our social feed.

Car people know a whole different kind of loyalty. They’re loyal to their cars, and their cars are (mostly) loyal to them. I caught this unrestored beauty at a local car show – I just love it. Some call it rust, we car peeps call it patina. It’s awesome.

Loyalty: Coach Chris Bouch – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight Read More »

Beauty: Isaac Charles Design Group – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight

Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul.

Alice Walker

Create beauty around you – an excellent directive. Restoration of soul – that’s always a good idea!

The Color Purple author created beauty and inspires us to be better. To create beauty around us. To fill our lives with beauty – to live our lives with beauty.

It’s a call to love. It’s a call to justice. It’s a call to basic decency that we need to hear so badly right now.

When the ultimate powers are indecent in any way, that trickles down into the fabric of our people. It reinforces bad behavior. It destroys beauty that has taken so long to create and build.

Don’t get me wrong, we’re all human. We can all do better. Some of us more than others. But glass houses and all, we can all do better. We can all create more beauty. And if that restores our souls, that’s a good thing. We need that.

Beauty: An Interfanatic Quality

Beauty can make bad things palatable. Like the physically gifted woman who is an awful person – she hides behind a sheen that makes her acceptable to some. Like a gilt book with hateful doctrine. You might buy the book because you like the way it looks on your shelf, even if you can’t stand the words inside. It’s all about choice to each of us.

But creating or capturing real beauty, true beauty – that’s what we’re talking about. Not skin deep, but inherent beauty – that makes the world a better place. That’s what we strive for at Interfanatic. A beautiful design that doesn’t just work now, but will work 100 years from now. Because it’s truly beautiful.

That’s what we aspire to create – not outer beauty, but thorough beauty.

Isaac Charles Design Group – Bringing Beauty

It’s strange to some to think of a masculine, straight man as a person who brings beauty. But as an apparel designer, that’s exactly what Isaac Charles does. He brings his own brand of beauty through design.

It’s important to see all kinds of beauty. As manly men, we might call his kicks “kick ass” or “nice”, but what we really mean is that they’re beautiful. Or, perhaps not beautiful – but they definitely express beauty.

“…he molds what is wanted into that which works.”

And that’s a beautiful thing.

Since ICDG, LLC Charles has moved on to new projects. And there, he creates beauty around him, too. I guess his soul is probably in pretty good shape!

Charles is a great designer because he knows how to interpret and express exactly what others envision. That’s a rare talent – it’s very difficult for some designers to create what others imagine. Charles has the gift of communication to understand not only what works, but what is wanted, and he molds what is wanted into that which works.

The Beauty of Regularity: Interfanatic Power Fortnightly Email Marketing

When you run a business, the most important piece is sales. You have to have the ability to attract new customers and keep old ones coming back. Customer Service and Product Satisfaction can never be a factor if there are insufficient sales.

One of the best ways to keep customers returning is email marketing. Everyone hates spam, but everyone loves to hear from the company they enjoy working with. And let me tell you – the difference between spam and great email is sometimes a fine line! (Sometimes, it’s not.)

Does your email subject line entice people to open? Does your email provide value to your customer, or to you? Does your email work well with your website or other sales process?

You can have a great subject line that gets lots of opens, but if your email strategy doesn’t take it further, people may stop opening your emails.

You can have great, informative, valuable content, but if nobody opens your emails, your customers may never see it.

You can have a great offer going on at your website, but if nobody opens or reads their email, your customers may not find out about it.

Keep customers happy and coming back by regularly sending them valuable information. Email is the perfect vehicle.

Get your email marketing done right – have us do it. You’ll then have a valuable source of regular, incoming business. And you can do more of what you love – creating your own sort of beauty for your customers.

Interfanatic and Beauty

We’re always working to create more beauty around us. It’s our job. Creating beauty helps our soul stay fresh and well. Let us use our talents to enhance the beauty around you.

This week’s image:
Interfanatic‘s founder, Ryan Delane, takes or creates every image you see in our social feed.

Beauty, an Interfanatic Quality. Interfanatic Digital Marketing founder Ryan Delane takes or creates every image you see in our social feed.
Beauty, an Interfanatic Quality. Interfanatic Digital Marketing founder Ryan Delane takes or creates every image you see in our social feed.

A beautiful sunset, caught. Nope, we didn’t create this beauty, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to capture it. And every time I look at this Redondo Beach, California sunset, it restores my soul a little bit. By sharing it, my hope is it does the same for you.

Beauty: Isaac Charles Design Group – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight Read More »

Sincerity: Durnell Jewelry – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight

“Weak people cannot be sincere.”⁠

– François de La Rochefoucauld⁠

How does that sit with you?

Bridgett Durnell is not weak. After years being a successful jewelry designer for the big atelier houses, she struck out on her own. She immediately began making waves with her distinctive designs.

Durnell is best known for her engagement ring designs. As such, she trades in sincerity.

She takes her sincerity and gives symbols of forever grace and beauty. And she takes her talent sincerely and has built a business around it.

When François VI, Duc de La Rochefoucauld⁠, Prince de Marcillac wrote these words, he was thinking of a person just like Bridgett Durnell. Although I’m sure he became an expert in sincerity after having to deal with his ridiculous titles through a distinguished nobleman’s career.

We don’t always get it right. But we certainly mean to. And with those sincere intentions, we drive on to produce something great. We take our customers and their businesses sincerely.

It was a great pleasure working with Bridgett many years ago, and we’re pleased to see her continued success. Sincerely pleased.

Sincerity: Durnell Jewelry – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight Read More »

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