Sousa & Weber Bring Accounting Experience to Businesses in the South Bay
Sousa & Weber, LLP, bring years of experience, ethics, and expertise to the Beach Cities of Southern California. This great company with a fantastic core of people offers excellent services to small to medium-sized businesses in the South Bay.
Basically an old partnership with a new name and youthful exuberance, this hard charging firm can help just about any small business with just about any accounting need! From Taxes to out-sourced CFO’s, they can help you get your records straight.
Rich Weber came to us with a minor emergency – he needed to get his site up in about a week’s time. We re-branded his Web Site with his new Company logo and colors, changed some of the copy, and got it up for him in about a week. We should be starting a major redesign soon.
For now, check out Sousa & Weber, LLP at
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