Beauty: Garboushian Gallery – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight
Natural beauty takes at least two hours in front of a mirror.
Pamela Anderson
Ms. Anderson’s quote is fantastic.
It’s funny. And it’s axiomatic.
Natural Beauty = Hard Work
“Natural beauty” – beauty that’s just right – takes a lot of hard work. It takes talent to envision. It takes work to enact.
Just like artwork, a great website is born layer by layer. Look at your favorite websites from around the world. How do they look? Are they busy? Are they simple? Do they convey a huge amount of information quickly and easily?
They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. And sometimes it is. Other times, one word sums it up well.
What does your website say about you?
Herair Garboushian of Garboushian Gallery knows exactly what his website says about his Beverly Hills art gallery. He carefully chooses the artists he works with. He invests time in them, in their preparation, in understanding them and in understanding what drives their art. He carefully curates the paintings to go up for show. He invests time in placement, and order, and how people see the art. So that it is presented as his artists wants it to be presented. And, like his gallery, he makes sure that every pixel on his website is exactly where he wants it to be.
Garboushian has a taste for great art. He admires the art his friend, Jim Morphesis, produces. And as a collector himself, he knows art. He knows what collectors want. And when it comes to Modern Art, that’s not such an easy thing to know.
Spotting the next big thing is the difference between a $700 canvas collecting dust and a $150,000,000 masterpiece gathering attention and bidders at auction. Herair Garboushian can spot that diamond in the rough.
Garboushian is always as particular with his website as he is with his gallery. His instructions are precise because he wants to be sure his site visitors, just like his gallery visitors, can focus on the beauty in front of them.
It just looks… right.
To many people, “that just looks right.” But artists, art connoisseurs, and website designers know, that “just” looks right is the result of practiced talent, careful consideration, and applied skill.
“That just looks right” is most often the result of countless painstaking hours of precise work.
Check out Garboushian Gallery to see what I mean.
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