Work: Raising Scholarship Money for South Carolina State University – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight

I don’t get a chance to write about what we’re doing much these days, but I have to give a shout-out to Team Interfanatic and our partners at Creative Edge. We accomplished something that folks my heart with humility and gratitude. Our marketing program for South Carolina State University (an Historic Black College / University or HBCU) raised over $200k for need and merit based scholarships.

That’s awesome.

Last year without our help, they raised about $400k. This year, with a very modest budget and exactly the same program otherwise, we got them over $600k.

The one lesson I would take from this experience is that the fundamentals always apply. Know your audience and use your experience to do what you do. We went into this project with very little fundraising experience – for an HBCU? Come on! We’re in Southern California. But as always, we were committed to the project and relentless about results. And it paid off. What a great experience. We can be successful anywhere we want to be.

I don’t like to get too prideful, but man I’m proud of this one. You should see these kids earning the scholarships, too! They’re awesome. Bordering on superhuman. I wish I had my act together like they do now back when I was in college over 20 years ago.

I guess it worked out alright because my plan was able to help SCSU do this now. It’s a good feeling. So appreciative for the trust and opportunity. Can’t wait to raise the bar again next year!

Interfanatic marketing raises scholarship money for South Carolina State University (an HBCU)

Work: An Interfanatic Quality

“Nothing works until you do.”

Maya Angelou

25 years. It’s been 25 years since we started hand-coding websites in HTML for our first customers. To many more coming – to help many more good people do great things.

That’s the Interfanatic way.

Work: Raising Scholarship Money for South Carolina State University – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight Read More »