
Justice: Ace Process Service – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight

Never forget that justice is what love looks like in public.”

Cornell West

Public love. That’s a beautiful sentiment for justice.

But, as West knows better than I may ever know (if I’m lucky), justice is only truly love when it is true and pure. When justice is tainted, justice isn’t love; it’s hate.

But I digress. Justice is fairness to all and it is the quality we celebrate, this week’s virtue at Interfanatic.

Justice: An Interfanatic Quality

A critical component of society – and of business; justice. Businesses must treat their customers with justice or they will be spurned. This has never been so apparent as in the Age of Social Media.

It began with Yelp. Businesses had to suddenly become accustomed to passive-aggressive behavior from customers, and only after there was nothing the business could do about it.

It’s been an uncomfortable transition for some. “The customer is always right”, well, yes – but what if the customer is unhappy and doesn’t bother to speak up until after they have left the building? How is that fair to a business? How is it fair to criticize anybody in public without first giving them the personal opportunity to fix the situation. There is no honor in slinking around, bad-mouthing others when you don’t have the guts to tell them to their face, first.

But Social Media has been the great equalizer. Some have adapted, some have not. In the end, it makes everything work a little better – so long as it’s true justice.

Manipulated reviews: that’s how society’s customers and their interaction with the businesses that serve them can become unjust.

(Which is why we work very hard to keep an open dialogue with our customers.)

Ace Process Service: Administering Justice

Which brings us to Ace Process Service. Their job is to administer justice – to sometimes unsuspecting individuals, unaware they had treated others unjustly.

Jeff Levine of Ace Process Service works, well, all over California, but mostly in Southern California. Ace Process Service is based near El Segundo’s LAX, which means Levine has gotten to work with some interesting people.

You wouldn’t know it if you talked to Levine but briefly. But once you get to know him, you know he has stories. Stories of famous, fortunate people. Stories, of course, he cannot share, but still – it’s clear his experience is immense.

Which means he’s the perfect person to handle this business. His deft hand, honed through years of dancing through sticky situations, means he’s great and handling himself. And your business.

Levine’s deft hand, honed through years of dancing through sticky situations, is great at handling … your business

So next time you need to service papers, know you should work with Ace Process Service.

Interfanatic Basic SEO Situation Report: A Website Performance Check

A few months ago, we worked with Levine to do an SEO Check up. We’re now calling this service the SEO Situation Report. A lot of work goes into understanding your site’s performance in search. It’s an extremely valuable asset we provide to small businesses with websites.

If you’ve ever wondered why your website isn’t getting much traffic or why your customers aren’t finding your business easily online, we give you the answers.

From there, we can craft a strategy to cost efficiently improve your sites ranking for the keywords and keyphrases you care about. There are plenty of ways to help a website, and we work through all of them to give you results.

One of the pieces in our arsenal to improve search results is the Interfanatic Power SEO Business Site Preparation. We go through your entire site and bring it up to speed on SEO, focusing on keywords and keyphrases that matter to your business. The SitRep and Site Prep are a pretty incredible combination for either older sites, or sites not done right.

But the focus here is Ace Process Service. We really have enjoyed working with Levine. He and Ace Process Service provide a valuable service to the people of Southern California, and if we ever need that kind of service, it’s great to know where to find him and his team.

Interfanatic & Justice

We work hard to treat our customers fairly. Our goal is excellent value for their money. We work hard to give them results: justice for money well spent and time invested.

We work hard to do what’s right.

This week’s image:
Interfanatic‘s founder, Ryan Delane, takes or creates every image you see in our social feed.

I remember being struck by this Olympic moment a few years ago. There is no justice like the stopwatch. And they had done it! Ultimate justice in payment for years of training. It was an inspiring moment. So inspired, I took a picture of the TV! (So yes, not one of my greatest photographic accomplishments.) And, when I selected this picture, it had just come out that the Olympics were to be postponed… Not exactly justice, but a reminder that Mother Nature is in charge, and we’d best do our part to keep her happy. Mother Nature administers her own justice.

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Honor: Ace Small Claims Service – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight

“Life every man holds dear;
but the dear man
Holds honor far more precious-dear
than life.”

William Shakespeare

Going back thousands of years, it is almost an axiom of writing that the honorable hold honor more precious than life itself.

We at Interfanatic do not disagree. We love to work with people who do as they say they shall. Therefore, we model that behavior in all we do.

Honor: More Precious-Dear than Life

A great way to earn trust is to do what you say you will. The best way to lose trust is to not.

When people choose to work with Interfanatic, they do so because they want to take some burden away from themselves and let us take it on. We want our customers to know: we got you.

Ensuring Honor

Jeff Levine of Ace Small Claims Service ensures that businesses and individuals do as they say they will. Of course, the best way to do this is to model that behavior. Which is why we trust and enjoy working with Ace Small Claims Service. We did not create his website for him, but we aid him in understanding his site’s performance. We choose our customers carefully so that we don’t need to worry – but when things go wrong (and they do) it’s nice to know we have Jeff to trust.

Levine was curious how his website performed in Search. So we did an Interfanatic Basic Local SEO Check-up for him and he learned a lot. We also helped him understand what he needed to do to improve his site’s performance – how to make it work better for him.

And, if a customer ever decides to stiff us (it happens, but rarely), we can rely on Jeff Levine’s honor through Ace Small Claims Service to get things straightened out.

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Temperance: Tetra Graphics – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight

Temperance is a tree which has for its root very little contentment and for its fruit calm and peace.“⁠


Buddha tells us that temperance results from feeling unsettled, and that result of employing temperance is that we feel settled.

So temperance is important.

Temperance like eating a Handel’s chocolate fudge sundae rather than a knocking down a banana split by yourself, or a Vermonster. Yes, Handel’s chocolate fudge sundaes definitely represents temperance well.

Another, perhaps better, example of temperance is Mike Wratchko and his Tetra Graphics.

Mike came to us looking for help with SEO. It was fun and challenging working with him, to try to promote his business on the Web.

Wratchko works in a tough industry. There are a lot of printers in Torrance. There are a lot of printers – many of them huge.

You have to temper yourself when you go to real SEO. It takes months of dedicated work to get results. But it can definitely be done.

Of course, it depends on your industry. If your industry is very niche, like you create “precision rubber seals for medical photo equipment,” you can target keywords a bit more easily than if you want your site showing for “photo equipment.”

But whether you have longtail keywords to target or common ones, the right, dedicated SEO strategy will yield results, so long as you temper your patience and follow through with the hard work.

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Honesty: Aero-Vac Alloys & Forge – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight

Mother Teresa’s quote pairs with an image I got to take of my Uncle flying. He was not Mother Teresa.

But my Uncle was honest and transparent.

Honest and transparent is the best way to do business.

Aero-Vac Alloys & Forge are plainly honest and transparent, with their partners, with their customers, an in everything they do.

Insert quote about Scotty talking about transparent aluminum.

We did AVAF’s original website years ago, and it’s still extremely productive. It’s fantastic to be working with a great group involved in aerospace production. As we’re all a little nerdy here, we’d love to do more of that!

Aero-Vac Alloys & Forge supplies rare and difficult to produce alloys of aerospace grade to its industrial customers. They moved from California up to Washington recently, and they’re really thriving. As I’m a native Washingtonian, I understand the allure of the Pacific Northwest – especially for business.

It’s a great company, lead by diversity, driven by success and superiority of product. They have to be honest or their products would lead to major failures. Their products succeed.

So if you’re ever in the market for stainless steel, corrosion resistant nickel alloys, or some other obscure metal for your project, go to Aero-Vac Alloys & Forge.

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Wisdom: Hansen Wholesale & Content Marketing – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight

Will Rogers pokes fun at attaining wisdom – through lack of wisdom. It’s funny, and of course it’s true.

Hansen Wholesale was the very first online ceiling fan seller. They used to have a brick and mortar store, but some years ago they realized they could streamline operations by turning to online-only. That realization took wisdom, and the implementation took guts.

We worked with Hansen Wholesale on a content marketing program, attacking eroding SEO results. Their previous SEO service provider had used strategies that no longer worked, and in fact, some of the SEO “tricks” they tried hurt them.

There is no shortcut to the top of the search engines. It takes a lot of hard work to get excellent organic results. We know that, and we implemented a content marketing program for Hansen Wholesale that had both long-term and short-term SEO results.

How does effective Content Marketing for SEO work?

1) It’s Time Consuming

Producing excellent content is hard work. It took time with their experts, leveraging their experience and wisdom, to create useful, interesting content their customers wanted to know.

Everyone wants to sell you a shortcut. Every time it backfires. That’s why we’re still here after 20 years and they’re not.

2) Results, Unfortunately, Take Time

There was often an immediate boost in results for the keywords that we targeted, but it was short-lived. After a few weeks, though, it started to gain more credibility with customers and AI as more people clicked in and read, and it lead to long-lasting, higher positions for targeted keywords and phrases.

3) Excellent Content Marketing Is Integrated with All Other Marketing

We didn’t just produce content and leave it. We used Hansen Wholesale’s vast customer and fan base to drive traffic to the content, leading results that would last.

Content Marketing done the right way isn’t easy. But it’s a worthwhile endeavor for any business looking to increase customers.

Our customer had the wisdom to trust us as experts in the field, and our program is still paying dividends.

We took our wisdom, combined it with Hansen Wholesale’s, and generated positive results. Our customer had the wisdom to trust us as experts in the field, and our program is still paying dividends.

One way to supercharge a content marketing program is the effective and careful use of press releases. It’s not cheap, but done properly, they can have effective results.

Let’s talk about a content marketing program for your business that will lead to more, better-qualified customers.

Get a quote. >

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Efficient: PCGS – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight

Supernova,” a gold coin from the sunken shipwreck SS Central America treasure, authenticated and graded by PCGS, recently sold for $282,000.

Our quote this week is said by Robert Half, and he explains efficient work. Interfanatic uses custom systems and processes to do efficient work.

And that’s precisely what PCGS, part of Collectors Universe, does. Before I lose you, know that there is an incredible market and worldwide traveling circus for collectible coins – one that PCGS powers. PCGS, the Professional Coin Grading Service has, at time of writing, graded over 41,000,000 collectible coins.

Those 41 million collectible coins have a total market value of over $35,000,000,000.

PCGS has a couple of major competitors, so their portion is probably over half of the total certified coin market.

Since PCGS began in 1985, they’ve worked endlessly to be efficient. They certify something like 10,000 coins per week. Each coin is valuable and each coin must be tracked ruthlessly without compromising integrity and objectivity. There are hundreds of thousands of coin types from all over the world, and the coins must be proven authentic and graded to determine market value. It’s a difficult task, but they take it on.

It’s a similar, incredibly complex process to run a Search or Social Ad Campaign. Have you ever looked at a Google Analytics dashboard? Or a Search Console? Or a Local home screen?

This is where Interfanatic lives.

It used to be sufficient to create a website – you could be the only business in town with one. Now, there’s so much competition on the Internet, businesses have to compete for customers. And with margins slim, it’s all about efficiency.

We’ve run half-million dollar budgets to produce upwards of eight figures in revenue. And we’ve run $50/month campaigns to drive traffic and sales.

The only way we succeed with small budgets is by being ruthlessly efficient.

When it comes to spending on ads, that is. When it comes to working with our partners and customers, we give information freely.

We worked quite a bit with PCGS on a number of marketing initiatives and search ad campaigns. Most of our work centered around content marketing, social media marketing, event marketing and public relations. It was exciting work, pushing some fantastic initiatives through video, print, and digital marketing.

But just as we can play with the big dogs, we LOVE helping local small businesses and Not-For-Profits excel in the digital space. We do help smaller players work their way up with ruthless efficiency. We make ourselves affordable enough to help the causes we believe in – including local community small businesses.

Information isn’t what matters – everybody knows information. We know more than most because of our experience, so we share it. What you do with it? – that’s what matters.

Execution matters.
Efficient Interfanatic execution.

Get a quote >

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Interfanatic Content Marketing: How To Produce Content for SEO

By Ryan Delane,
Interfanatic Digital Marketing with Web Site Maintenance & Design

As discussed in Content Marketing Basics, there are three major pieces to consider when producing content for your SEO Content Marketing campaign: Content, Technical Aspects of your Content, and Content Promotion.

What to write?

Let’s get into our first expansion of Interfanatic Content Marketing Basics with tips and tricks for producing content for SEO and your content marketing campaign. Content Marketing is crucial for digital marketing strategy. If you want to guide your website up the SERPs, establish your business as a subject-matter authority, and boost sales, make Content Marketing a key component of your digital marketing strategy.

Content marketing, done well, is difficult. It’s time consuming, it’s labor intensive, and executing beautifully may be complex. It’s also vastly rewarding. That’s why we offer it as part of our services – many of our clients simply don’t have the time to perform the arduous task list. They trust us to strategize and work, so their websites perform at a consistently high level.

Let’s get to it:

Content Selection for Impactful Content Marketing

You may already have a number of ideas for content you’d like to write. Perhaps you want to establish your business as a subject matter authority and you know exactly how to differentiate yourself. Perfect!

Whether you know what you want to write or not, consult your analytics. Do Google and Moz keyword searches to discover what Internet users are looking for, and take a look at what is already on offer. What does the playing field look like? Who are the major performers you’re going to compete against? Answering these questions not only help you further differentiate your content, the answers may also lead to strategy adjustments on your part.

Selecting Target Keywords and Key Phrases

From your research, you’ll learn which keywords and phrases you want to target. You’ll find out which questions your prospective customers are asking, and it’s up to you to devise an efficient method for answering those questions, expressing to them that you and your business are the answer.

Without goals, there is no direction. So allow your overall business strategy, coupled with target keywords and key phrases to provide direction and give you themes. You want to have many variations of keyword or key phrase in your content marketing. Change it up, but like a shark, encircle your target, keeping the theme constant.

You know, it used to be that a short article posted on your blog now and then was enough. Your content would find their way into the search engines, improving your web site’s authority for certain target keywords.

Until a few years ago, some companies would hire inexpensive services to post barely-readable articles on their sites. Others services linked to customer sites from mediocre articles on generic blogs. It was ugly, but it was cheap and it worked. It used to be companies could get away with this kind of cheapo service because it was a volume game. (We never tried to play that game, by the way. Quality is always better in search.)

That’s no longer the case. Major search engines have cracked down on garbage filler content. It’s still a volume game, but there’s so much information on the World Wide Web, you have to be relentless with content. Both Internet surfers and AI-powered search engines easily tell excellent content from junk. The Internet rewards efficient, valuable content.

Today, this is what works: write excellent content. Lots of it.

Topic Research For Content Marketing

No matter how well-versed you are on a topic, market research helps. Ask your colleagues what is missing in your marketing message so you can add it. Read what is already out there so you can fill in the gaps, or make yourself stand out by proving old ideas wrong and giving your prospective customers your own, successful, time-tested new ideas.

Write What You Know

The best place to start when writing anything is writing what you know. It helps get you into a flow. And, if there’s an aspect of your business you want to understand better, here is your opportunity to learn! There is no better way to learn than to teach. Writing an article about a subject will force you to be an expert on whatever new aspect you tackle.

But, say it in a different way. You have to differentiate yourself if you want to do excellent, results-driven content marketing. Don’t just say what has been said, add your own unique twist.

This is your opportunity to say something nobody else has said. Give us you or your business’ unique perspective on the topic.

The current search algorithms force Internet searchers to be specific with their queries. This is where the key phrase comes in. Think of questions searchers might type or verbally ask, and answer them concisely. Then broaden your answer, filling in details.

Pro Tip: Keep an active list of topics handy

You know that when you sleep, your brain percolates ideas and helps you formulate answers. Whenever you have an idea, write it down. Whether you jot it down in a to-do list app, a Google sheet, or make a list on a post-it, keep writing down your ideas. When your brain is ready to attack the full article, you’ll know. But keep a list, add to it and cross items off as you work through them.

Keep your idea list handy, so you can always come back to it, add to it, and revise ideas. Even if your ideas aren’t good and you know it, write it down. Writing is rewriting – revise the idea until it works.

Pro Tip II: Just write

When I get writer’s block, I fall back on advice I found years ago: just write. It doesn’t matter what comes out. Even if it’s stream of consciousness. Try to focus on the task and allow your theme to creep in. It may be terrible, it may be incoherent, but from the process of writing come ideas which can then be put into an orderly outline. Once you force the faucet open, ideas usually then keep coming. And if they don’t, you and I both are likely busy enough to find something else to do until they do. If you can, give your subconscious space to crunch on ideas while you sleep.

Change it Up: Both Long and Short Articles Are Critical to Content Marketing

Content Marketing with an eye on SEO is a long game. Build a strategy around your long term vision. Break that vision down into bite-size pieces. Then be relentless to produce high quality, efficient, interesting content.

In 2019, both long (1500+ words) and short form (~300 words) content are important. The content should be rich and engaging, it should be pleasing to the eye, and it must be easy to read.

When you need words and space to describe your idea, use them. Make sure your long-form content is engaging and efficient where it can be. Use that space to entertain and inform your readers. Last, but certainly not least, use that space for target keywords and phrases.

When you can, pack your ideas into a tiny, ultra-efficient package. Keep your readers interested with both long-form and short-form content. Efficiency is always best in writing, but long-form content with lots of keywords and phrases certainly don’t hurt.

Pro Tip: Spice Up Articles with Effective Images and Videos

Images and videos are both a critical part of SEO. Don’t ignore them.

Crack Down on Consistency with a Content Calendar

Content Marketing is a lot like Social Media Marketing in that if you must treat it like a garden. When you try a deluge out of nowhere, it might work for a little bit, but eventually everything fades away. When you water a little every day, your results flourish. Stay consistent.

Begin by producing a content calendar. You know you need both long-form and short-form articles. How long does it take you to produce each?

Depending on the competitive landscape of your topic, you might need to produce long-form articles weekly, and short-form almost daily. That’s simply not realistic for most businesses. And you don’t want to produce drivel. You must produce compelling content, so keep your goals realistic.

Most businesses are fine with one or two long-form articles per month and at least one short article per week. But the more you do, the more keywords (of course, without being spammy), the better.

Pro Tip: It’s Okay to Slow Down

If you find that your content calendar is too aggressive. Gently fall back. Remain disciplined – keep at it. But, if you can’t do a 1,500-word article once per week, make it 1,000. Or once every two weeks. If you fall back to a single 1,500 word article per month, try to post a 300 word article per week.

Again, it’s all about consistency.

But never admit defeat. There’s always somebody else out there ready to overtake you.

Pro Tip II: Revisit Old Content to Keep it Evergreen

Don’t be afraid to revisit great content. The world evolves. Your techniques, your opinions, your best way of doing things must also. It’s okay to reflect that in your writing with genuine authenticity. Don’t be afraid to revisit old content and bring it up to date, to make it more relevant to your reader today.

As you can see, Content Marketing is Hard Work. But it’s how we brought a newcomer to page one for key SERPs in six months. It’s not easy, but with careful planning, strategy, and relentless execution, content marketing for SEO can be effective. What it comes down to is hard work.

We’re available.

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Interfanatic Content Marketing Basics

By Ryan Delane,
Interfanatic Digital Marketing with Web Site Maintenance & Design

So you got your new website up. It’s a beaut! All of your pages are carefully crafted, all of your images represent your brand well. You check your analytics daily and… crickets. A carefully crafted Content Marketing program can fix that.

You have built it. When will they come?

The Internet used to be a blue ocean where you could be among the first, and users had no choice but to find your business.

Not so in 2019. It’s just not that easy anymore. The water is deep and intimidating, with many big fish, sharks and whales hunting your prey. Finding and guiding prospective customers to your wares is necessarily a complex process. But we’ve done this before. We’re here to help.

You have many ways open to drive traffic to your site. There are a few pieces of low-hanging fruit:

  1. You can do some content marketing,
  2. you can post links from your social media,
  3. you can pay for advertising – both in search engines and in social media,
  4. you can pay an SEO service to help you climb the ranks,
  5. you can learn and do SEO yourself, or
  6. you can pray.

#1, #2, #3, and #4 are all great choices.

Posting from social media helps – you should definitely do that. And if you’re in a rush, and have a substantial budget, ads are a great way to drive traffic while learning more about your target market and their digital interactions.

#5, learning SEO is a complicated and difficult process. One you should do! But most people are busy running their new business, to commit the time to learning SEO properly.

Almost all new business owners opt for #6 at one point or another. Seeing as the other options are complicated and difficult, this is not a bad strategy. Praying is, in my experience at least, a very normal part of business, whether new or old.

But today I’m going to talk to you about #1: Content Marketing.

We’re authorities on the subject. We’ve been learning from data, perfecting the craft of digital marketing for years for clients large and small, all over the world. We do exactly the content marketing we describe below, and it’s work. And, it works. Content Marketing helps our customers improve their performance in Internet search results.

Successful Content Marketing has three main pieces:

  1. Content,
  2. Technical Aspects, and
  3. Promotion.

1) Content for Content Marketing

First, you need to choose a topic. Ideas come from all over. Look at your analytics to see what people are searching for on your site. Talk to your colleagues to see what they feel is missing from your company’s messaging. Give us you or your business’ unique perspective on the topic. The good news is, you’re an expert in your field. Write what you know.

Content Marketing for SEO is a volume game that requires high volume of high quality. So be consistent: come up with a content calendar and stick with it. In 2019, both long and short form content are important. The content should be rich and engaging, it should be pleasing to the eye, and it must be easy to read.

Keep your readers interested with both long-form and short-form content. It takes time. It takes care. It takes practice. Produce excellent content.

2) Technical Aspects
of Content Marketing in 2019

Set out some target keywords to plan your campaign around and make sure they get used in your content.

Use those keywords and key phrases in headings and subheadings to break up long content. Keep it organized and easy to read.

And when you’re finished writing your fantastic article, make sure those search engines know how to find your new great content! You put a lot of work into it, so make sure it’s easy to find. Update your meta information and optimize your content for snippets.

3) Content Promotion in 2019

You’ve produced some beautiful content, now it’s time to promote the heck out of it. Make sure it’s easy to find on your site. Don’t bury it – I can’t tell you how many times companies claimed to be focused on SEO, but then they buried their blog or articles.

If you already have social media followers who trust you as an expert in your field of content, leverage that. If you’re just starting out, Content Marketing can be a great way to show the Internet what you know.

Get links from your emails into your new content. Not only do you get strong links in, you also keep your email marketing fresh and engaging.

Content Marketing
as Part of a Larger
Digital Marketing Strategy

And these points segue into the broader conversation of Digital Marketing Strategy. Understand how Content Marketing fits in and how to use it to tell your story. Don’t think “business post,” think feature film, with plots intertwining and you at the center. Don’t just have one great piece of content. Craft a complete strategy. Give each piece of content purpose to aid your search rankings, to tell your story, and to help you promote your business.

Always keep your users finding value in some fresh piece of content you create for them. And as your followers read your writing and click your links, your site will flourish and rise up in Search results.

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Tetra Graphics Takes A Run at the Search Engines

Mike Wratschko of Tetra Graphics, a Torrance-based printing company with immense capabilities, decided he wasn’t happy with his Site’s performance in the Search Engines.  By partnering with Web Site Maintenance & Design, he’s hoping to improve‘s position amongst a myriad of other printers., Full Service In-house Printing in Torrance, CA, Full Service In-house Printing in Torrance, CA

Torrance and Gardena are rife with printers – some good and some not-so-good.  Some print brokers claim to be printers, then outsource their printing to other printers, but not Tetra Graphics.  Their full service facility gives Mr. Wratschko’s Tetra Graphics the ability to do almost everything in-house.  With a focus on real customer service, we’re excited to be working with Tetra Graphics – a great company in Los Angeles’ South Bay.

We encourage you to try out Tetra Graphics for your next print job.  Once you’ve sampled their service, quality, and value, we’re sure you’re printing decisions will be much easier!

Check out, or view a little more about the project on

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