Our Interfanatic Domain Concierge service helps you find exactly the perfect Internet Address. If you don’t know how to buy a domain, or if you’re on the search, or setting up a new business and you’re not sure what domain you should get, we come up with options and ultimately narrow it down to the best. We purchase those domains for one year.
Don’t worry. If you ever change management, the domains are yours! You paid for them. We transfer them to your account whenever you like.
It can be very tricky and difficult to find the perfect domain. Many other businesses have bought up domains that are just a few characters, or popular terms ending in “.com”. So we’ll discuss the situation with you and figure out all of your options. Whether you want to low-character .com domain or you want to try out a few domains to see which works best until we settle on your final answer, we have you covered.
Don’t worry about losing them; we’ll make sure they get paid up timely and bill you once per year. We keep your domains safe from others. That’s why we have our Domain Concierge service – to make things easy for you. We’re here to help.
If you like premium domains, we can negotiate and arrange for those for you, too.