“Whenever you are creating beauty around you, you are restoring your own soul.”
– Alice Walker
Create beauty around you – an excellent directive. Restoration of soul – that’s always a good idea!
The Color Purple author created beauty and inspires us to be better. To create beauty around us. To fill our lives with beauty – to live our lives with beauty.
It’s a call to love. It’s a call to justice. It’s a call to basic decency that we need to hear so badly right now.
When the ultimate powers are indecent in any way, that trickles down into the fabric of our people. It reinforces bad behavior. It destroys beauty that has taken so long to create and build.
Don’t get me wrong, we’re all human. We can all do better. Some of us more than others. But glass houses and all, we can all do better. We can all create more beauty. And if that restores our souls, that’s a good thing. We need that.
Beauty: An Interfanatic Quality
Beauty can make bad things palatable. Like the physically gifted woman who is an awful person – she hides behind a sheen that makes her acceptable to some. Like a gilt book with hateful doctrine. You might buy the book because you like the way it looks on your shelf, even if you can’t stand the words inside. It’s all about choice to each of us.
But creating or capturing real beauty, true beauty – that’s what we’re talking about. Not skin deep, but inherent beauty – that makes the world a better place. That’s what we strive for at Interfanatic. A beautiful design that doesn’t just work now, but will work 100 years from now. Because it’s truly beautiful.
That’s what we aspire to create – not outer beauty, but thorough beauty.
Isaac Charles Design Group – Bringing Beauty
It’s strange to some to think of a masculine, straight man as a person who brings beauty. But as an apparel designer, that’s exactly what Isaac Charles does. He brings his own brand of beauty through design.
It’s important to see all kinds of beauty. As manly men, we might call his kicks “kick ass” or “nice”, but what we really mean is that they’re beautiful. Or, perhaps not beautiful – but they definitely express beauty.
“…he molds what is wanted into that which works.”
And that’s a beautiful thing.
Since ICDG, LLC Charles has moved on to new projects. And there, he creates beauty around him, too. I guess his soul is probably in pretty good shape!
Charles is a great designer because he knows how to interpret and express exactly what others envision. That’s a rare talent – it’s very difficult for some designers to create what others imagine. Charles has the gift of communication to understand not only what works, but what is wanted, and he molds what is wanted into that which works.
The Beauty of Regularity: Interfanatic Power Fortnightly Email Marketing
When you run a business, the most important piece is sales. You have to have the ability to attract new customers and keep old ones coming back. Customer Service and Product Satisfaction can never be a factor if there are insufficient sales.
One of the best ways to keep customers returning is email marketing. Everyone hates spam, but everyone loves to hear from the company they enjoy working with. And let me tell you – the difference between spam and great email is sometimes a fine line! (Sometimes, it’s not.)
Does your email subject line entice people to open? Does your email provide value to your customer, or to you? Does your email work well with your website or other sales process?
You can have a great subject line that gets lots of opens, but if your email strategy doesn’t take it further, people may stop opening your emails.
You can have great, informative, valuable content, but if nobody opens your emails, your customers may never see it.
You can have a great offer going on at your website, but if nobody opens or reads their email, your customers may not find out about it.
Keep customers happy and coming back by regularly sending them valuable information. Email is the perfect vehicle.
Get your email marketing done right – have us do it. You’ll then have a valuable source of regular, incoming business. And you can do more of what you love – creating your own sort of beauty for your customers.
Interfanatic and Beauty
We’re always working to create more beauty around us. It’s our job. Creating beauty helps our soul stay fresh and well. Let us use our talents to enhance the beauty around you.
This week’s image:
Interfanatic‘s founder, Ryan Delane, takes or creates every image you see in our social feed.
A beautiful sunset, caught. Nope, we didn’t create this beauty, I just happened to be in the right place at the right time to capture it. And every time I look at this Redondo Beach, California sunset, it restores my soul a little bit. By sharing it, my hope is it does the same for you.