Humor: Fairmont Butte Motorsports Park – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight
“When humor goes, there goes civilization.”
– Erma Bombeck
A week later, and things are much as expected. That’s why it’s a great time to have a sense of humor.
I have to keep going back to these people I deeply respect, despite their decision to continue to throw our country into chaos.
After talking with a few this week, it seems it’s not serious. “Yeah, he’s terrible, I’m not sad he lost.” Others echo: “Yeah, let’s just make sure the votes get counted fairly.”
I think everyone can get behind that. Of course everyone wants the legal votes counted and the illegal ones discarded. Even if it doesn’t go their way, that’s what everyone wants.
So, back to the sense of humor: Erma Bombeck. She’s a funny lady! And if we can’t have a laugh with each other, at each other, what’s the point?
That’s certainly how Tom Malloy handled his business after a ridiculous ten-year battle that netted him a ton of money. Because he was able to approach the problem with a sense of humor, in the end it worked out for him.
And that’s what we all have to try to do – it’s only temporary, we just need to laugh once in a while.
Humor: An Interfanatic Quality
Can we have a laugh together? If we can, we’re on the right track. If we cannot, it’s gonna be a long slog.
When I can – without breaking the professional barrier – I try to bring humor into things. It can make the project go so much better!
As was the case with Fairmont Butte Motorsports Park. The assertion was that race cars, from miles away, would kill poppies. Sure.
You have to laugh, right? So that’s what we do.
Fairmont Butte Motorsports Park – In the End, A Good Giggle
Tom laid plans for a beautiful facility. In the end, environmentalists created so much red tape, and so many problems, the project was abandoned. For a massive profit. That’s what’s funny.
And please don’t take this the wrong way – our environment, our Earth, is in trouble. And that’s no laughing matter. Tom works hard in his other businesses to protect Mother Earth. But race cars kill poppies? That’s just funny. Sure, if they drive over them. But if they’re miles away, the sound of a race car will not kill any poppy.
We created a beautiful website for the project. We were there, to watch the project progress. I remember even going to a couple of county hearings about the project. And we watched it all fade away.
Tom is a great proponent for motorsports and motorsports history, as his family is deeply rooted in the Los Angeles motor racing story. He was excited to carry on that tradition. And he did and does, but not through FBMP.
Interfanatic Service Focus: Interfanatic Web Site Maintenance
Getting hacked is not fun. It’s not funny. We’ve been there before, and I’m sure we’ll be there again. No matter what you do, if the hacker wants in badly enough – it’s like any other kind of criminal – they’ll find a way in.
But we reduce the hacking and the issues that come from it with decades of experience and best-practices.
That way, with us on your team managing your website, there will be more laughs to have, and fewer frustrations. It is our pleasure to help! Use our experience.
Interfanatic: Keeping Humor
Why don’t you and I have a laugh? We can talk business, too. And that can be very serious. But let’s not remember to keep things enjoyable with a good joke or two.
This week’s image:
Interfanatic‘s founder, Ryan Delane, takes or creates every image you see in our social feed.
I was driving home the other day after a very long day with a client. And I saw this – what seemed to me to be a light at the end of the tunnel. That’s what humor is – it can light the way during even the most stressful of times. And, I’m reminded of just what a pretty place I live in.
Humor: Fairmont Butte Motorsports Park – Interfanatic Customer Spotlight Read More »