The phenomenal sport of historic car racing is exciting and beautiful. And it’s not bad for the environment. There is a small contingent of ill-informed radical extremists hell-bent on making sure that the Fairmont Butte Motorsports Park doesn’t happen. They insist that race cars will kill poppies anywhere in the vicinity of their activities. Unfortunately, they are fighting a losing battle.
Tomorrow is another planning commission meeting where you can make your voice heard. As quoted from the Fairmont Butte Motorsports Park Web Site, “We are now preparing our rebuttal for the next hearing, which is to be held at 9:00 a.m. on March 24th at the Hall of Records at 320 West Temple Street, Los Angeles. Again your attendance will be much appreciated. We hope that this will be the last significant meeting.” Come and let your voice be heard.
It’s strange that some of these people, many of whom live near Edward’s Air Force Flight Test Center, are concerned about noise from the race track. It’s also fascinating that many of them are concerned about the emmissions from the exhaust of said race cars. An entire race weekend filled with evil, rampant race cars will not go through anywhere near the amount of fuel one jet fighter will in one minute. Nor will the noise approach the sound of flight operations during a given day, nor will they be nearly as hard on the peace as a sonic boom.
However, they insist that race cars kill poppies. This humble author has been around the world watching race cars all around the planet, and almost always, they are near some sort of wildflower. The environmental extremists insisted that Thunderhill Raceway Park would kill pheasants, and yet they thrive there now, as evidenced by the article recently published on Whacko environmentalist extremists, open your mind and you’ll be shocked by the fantastic people you’ll meet.
“Still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest.” – Paul Simon