From the Web Site:
“We are back! The original Southern California Summer Pro Basketball League was first established in 1970 by Dick Marquis. John Younesi acquired the SPL in 1992 and developed it into the place to see good quality summer professional basketball. The SPL showcase NBA sponsored teams who featured their 1st and 2nd year players and a combination of free agent teams with a mix of rookies and various unsigned players. Over 800 current and former NBA stars have participated in the SPL, including Magic Johnson, Andrew Bynum, Jordan Farmar, Danny Manning, Carmello Anthony and Kobe Bryant. The SPL helped professional basketball players and the amateur player who was on the cusp of professional careers to launch or hone their skills and gain exposure to professional scouts and agents, while providing basketball fans, as well as sports media outlets, a closer look at players playing in professional competition.”
After some time off, the Summer Pro League is back with the re-launch of their Web Site, Summer 2011 and all of the politics that went with sports this year are behind us, and it’s time to work on making a name for yourself, or find the best player at the best price possible for 2013, and by far the best way to scout in California will be the 2012 Summer Pro League.
Congratulations and welcome back, You may enjoy reading the full article from the site.